Channel: Dexter's Laboratory
Category: Entertainment
Tags: trick or treehousedeedeeballerinadexterdadtreehouseexperimentstreecartoon for childrenmomsecretlabhousedee deecartoon for kidsclassicmysterydexter's laboratorybuildcartoon networksciencedexters labgardenfunny
Description: Dee Dee builds a treehouse and allows everyone inside except Dexter, in revenge for the numerous times he kicked her out of his lab. ► Subscribe to the official Dexter's Laboratory YouTube channel: Past the vaulted doors lives the smartest boy the world has ever seen, Dexter, boy genius! He's constantly creating dazzling, world-saving inventions in his secret laboratory. His big sister Dee Dee frequently wrecks his experiments. However, he has bigger problems such as his nemesis, Mandark, his brilliant rival at Huber Elementary School. Mom and Dad, of course, have no idea what their little angel is up to.